Assignment on any subject requires in-depth knowledge of the subject and extensive research on the topic. Tourism industry is one of the vast and rapidly growing industry and making a tourism assignment becomes a hectic task for the students with their ongoing busy schedule. Tourism as a topic includes practical and theoretical outlook and is further classified into several sub-fields such as leisure tourism, business tourism, hospitality tourism, educational tourism, etc. A tourism assignment requires dedicated commitment, time, and effort which may not be possible for every student. Also, students cannot compromise with their assignment quality as it affects their grades and thus, they require online tourism assignment help from experts to ace the grade game.
Here Are Some Examples to Help You in Your Tourism Assignments
- Legislation and Ethics in Tourism : As the tourism industry is growing vast day by day. With this, the rights and safety of the tourists becomes an important aspect. Different legislation and ethics can be covered in this assignment for the protection of tourists. Role of different parties such as government or regulatory bodies can be Different acts for health and safety protection of tourists and problems faced by tourists traveling to different place can also be considered.
Check a similar assignment sample here.
- Tourism Operations : Tourism operation is very much different from tours and travel and includes other accommodations and services in addition to travelling. It may include food and living packages or covering the expense of two or three places in one single package. It is a cost effective method for bulk bookings and is helpful for both customers as well as service providers. In this assignment, different trends, technological changes in tour operations and various types of tour operations and different methods of contract can be thoroughly discussed. You can click here for a sample work on the same.
- Tourism Entrepreneur : Tourism entrepreneur is the one who takes up the business of tours and travel. Here one is expected to discuss the characteristics and traits required to become a successful tourism entrepreneur. In this assignment you canalso discuss the various sources of funds required to support the travel enterprise. Here is the sample for the same.
- Issues in Tourism Industry : Tour and travels means to travel to some different destination for some purpose. Travelling to a new place is also associated with various threats and risks. Under this topic one discusses issues faced by various people while travelling. Also discuss the response of travel industry in this aspect. View similar sample here.
- Heritage and Cultural Tourism : Heritage and culture plays a very vital role in the tourism sector. Any place is known by some heritages there and tourists get attracted by culture a place identifies with. So it becomes important for any country to develop and work on their culture and heritage in order to increase tourism revenue in their country. Here one can focus on factors which affects growth of heritage and cultural tourism. It also focuses on measures, authorities and government bodies can
take to develop their heritage and culture. Check a sample here and prepare your assignment easily.
Tourism is a large industry and is never short of topics for assignments. But it requires thorough study and research. You can check more tourism assignment samples at Assignment Desk and find some out-of-the-box ideas to impress your professor. Need help on how to make assignment? You can ask our experts and they would be happy to help.!